Bus build: August 2020

August was a busy month. First things first, we signed up to the NZMCA - New Zealand Motor Caravanners Association. This gives us access to hundreds of parks and properties to stay at throughout NZ for very minimal fees. 

We started collecting important things for the bus:
Batteries for the 24v system.

Seats with seatbelts. Super important! We got 4 like this to be our travelling seats as well as dining chairs and lounge chairs 😂 as well as 1 single seat for the driver. 

The oven: gas hobs and gas oven, and only 50cm wide. 

Solar panels. We got three 330 watt panels to go on the roof of the bus. 

The solar/inverter system. 

We moved the seats into the bus to check where we wanted to have them installed. They needed to be modified slightly and signed off by an engineer. 

Ceiling batons started going up, ready for insulation. 


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